Chendi Qian


Theaterstraße 35-39

52062 Aachen


Hi! My name is Chendi Qian. I am a Ph.D. student at RWTH Aachen University, supervised by Prof. Dr. Christopher Morris. Previously I earned my Master of Science degree from the Technical University of Munich, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Stephan Günnemann. Prior to that, I completed my Bachelor of Engineering at Zhejiang University, with my thesis supervised by Prof. Dr. Ronghao Zheng. I am particularly interested in the field of graph machine learning, encompassing both its theoretical foundations and practical applications.

selected publications

  1. osan.png
    Ordered subgraph aggregation networks
    Chendi Qian, Gaurav Rattan, Floris Geerts, and 2 more authors
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2022
  2. ibmb.png
    Influence-based mini-batching for graph neural networks
    Johannes Gasteiger, Chendi Qian, and Stephan Günnemann
    In Learning on Graphs Conference, 2022
  3. pr_mpnn.png
    Probabilistically Rewired Message-Passing Neural Networks
    Chendi Qian, Andrei Manolache, Kareem Ahmed, and 4 more authors
  4. ipmgnn.png
    Exploring the Power of Graph Neural Networks in Solving Linear Optimization Problems
    Chendi Qian, Didier Chételat, and Christopher Morris
    In Proceedings of The 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2024